Tuesday 23 February 2016

Understanding the facts about Botox Treatment

Botox has become a commonly accepted anti-ageing treatment among people. More and more people are seeking Botox treatment for reducing the appearance of wrinkles and lines. Majority of people who received botox anti-ageing treatment feel satisfied with the results and often recommend it to others which are one of the major factors in increasing its popularity.

Though Botox had been approved for the treatment of some medical conditions in 1989 but it was approved for the treatment of wrinkles and lines in 2002 by Food and Drug Authority (FDA). Botox is a prescription only drug and requires administration by expert, qualified and experienced practitioner or physician. Therefore, before considering the treatment it is necessary to have complete knowledge about what botox exactly is, what are its pros and cons, side effects and whether it is right for you or not.

What is Botox?
Botox is actually derived from a neurotoxin botulinum toxin Type A. It works by paralyzing the activity of target muscle when injected into the skin. As a result, the muscle stops contracting giving a smooth and wrinkle free surface. When done properly and carefully, the treatment is safe and highly effective in treating the signs of ageing. It smooth and tightens skin and the effects usually last for 3-6 months.

Advantage of Botox treatment
1.      Botox treatment gives temporary results. This means if you do not like the results after first treatment, there is no need to worry, it will wear off. Your skin will return to its original previous condition afterwards.
2.      The treatment gives quick and effective results. It may take couple of days to take full effect if the drug is correctly injected.
3.      In addition to removing the wrinkles, Botox injections have been proved to be quite effective in reducing or removing the facial lines formed due to facial expressions.
4.      The botox treatment procedure is quick and quite short, taking almost 10-15 minutes to the maximum.
5.      The health risks of drug are few if the treatment is performed by experienced and professional hands. In most of the cases, it is a safe procedure.

Disadvantage of Botox
·         Depending on the reason for which you are undertaking Botox treatment, its major advantage can become a disadvantage. Due to its temporary results, you have to get repeat and regular treatments to maintain the results which can be an issue.
·          The allergic reactions can happen in reaction to the drug particularly in patients who are take in antibiotics. Though these are treatable but in some cases these reaction quickly become severe leading to highly level of discomfort.
·         Botox injections can result in the freezing of some facial expressions. It normally happens when the practitioner is not expert and experienced enough to administer botox.
·         Botox should only be administered by professional and qualified practitioners. Botox parties have become quite popular where inexperienced and unqualified people are found injecting Botox which is a highly dangerous practice and should be avoided.
·         There are few side effects of the botxo treatment such as bruising and swelling which are temporary.
·         Botox treatment is expensive. On average, the Botox treatment cost about $400-500 which varies from the facial area to area and from practitioner to practitioner.

How botox can create difference in appearance, click here to see some botox before and after pictures.

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